Wednesday, March 21, 2007

EGA & more

Last evening I attended my first "official" EGA board meeting for our local chapter (Genesee Valley). I'm on the slate for the June election as 2nd VP. Ok - why 2 VPs, you ask? I can't really say why - it was like that when I joined. The 1st VP coordinates the monthly programs, and the 2nd VP is in charge of education. That means I'll set up visiting teachers, coordinate GCCs, and perhaps help with the programs. After almost 4 years as program chair of the local ANG chapter, I've used up most of my program ideas!

The next few months look like busy ones for our chapter:
  • April - The local EGA and ANG chapters will again present a joint display at the local museum's Artistry in Thread Festival. This year it's going to be a lot more focused on education and bringing in new stitchers than on exhibition of completed pieces, which frankly intimidates a lot of people!
  • May - Our chapter is co-hosting the EGA Mid-Eastern Region seminar in Chautauqua, NY. I'm responsible for coordinating the exhibit. Since the exhibit is only open evenings and at lunch, I'm taking two 2-day classes - Examplar IV from Catherine Theron, and Picnic Hampered! by Kathy Fenchel.
  • June - We're taking a field trip to a local museum. The curators are going to host us in a private room to check out about 1/2 of their collection of samplers (which totals about 100). I'm really looking forward to this. These samplers are not regularly on display.

During the board meeting I was able to make some progress on Tiramisu. I've completed the dark section of band 10 that was half-done in my picture from yesterday.

Tonight, our goldwork group gets together. Right now it's the six of us that signed up for both of the hearts. I don't know if it will continue after we're done with these. Since I finished the first heart, I'll be starting the second one this evening. Strangely enough (in light of my recent postings), this will combine blackwork and goldwork, because the background of the heart is stitched in blackwork with gold thread!

So, no pics for today. If I get anything measurable accomplished on the heart tonight, I'll post a progress picture tomorrow.

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