Thursday, June 21, 2007

Goldwork Heart II

This post could have been titled "I didn't have to ask for an extension!"

When six of us from our ANG chapter decided to take the (now retired) group correspondence courses (or GCCs) of Goldwork Heart I and Goldwork Heart II by Michele Roberts, we decided to meet monthly to encourage each other along. Since the LNS owner (let's call her "A") is one of this group of six, we meet in the back room of her shop. Last night was our monthly meeting night.

I walked in with the heart not much further along than on my last post. I had the outside channel filled in, and half of the next channel. Last night as I filled in the second channel and started on the third, "A" says, "I bet you're going to finish that tonight." I admitted it was an unlikely possibility.

It astonished me that by 9:00 (our normal leaving time), I was filling in the middle of the heart, and just had to finish the little "legs" at the bottom (which are supposed to look like the continuation of the folded over outline from the top). "A" wouldn't let me leave until I finished!! :-)

So, after a total of only about 10 hours on the heart itself (the background took much longer), here it is:Again, the only thing I (intentionally) changed on here from the original was the background.

Now, I'll just take it off the stretcher bars and pop both pieces in the mail to the instructor for critique - by the original due date!

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