Friday, November 2, 2007

Fantasy Remembered pic & NaBloPoMo

Here's a big thank you to Kathryn for pointing out that November is National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo. Essentially, when you sign up for NaBloPoMo, you're pledging to post every day in November. Since I was 1/30 (!) of the way there by posting yesterday, I thought I'd try it! It will help make blogging a bit more of my normal routine.

Anyway, here's why you're really reading this post. I did remember to bring my camera along to the LNS last night, and managed to find my Fantasy Remembered in the framing room. I'm sooooo happy with how it turned out, and can't wait to see it framed!Thanks to EGA and Luan Callery for such a fabulous and challenging project!