Friday, December 26, 2008

A change in location

I had grand hopes of finishing my Santa canvas before Christmas, but it was not to be. Instead, I've been working on a sampler pocket from Periwinkle Promises for the last several days.

Why, you ask?

Because this project has been my "doctors' waiting room" project, and it was what I grabbed when DH and I left home at 4AM Monday morning.

Yup. I've been in the hospital all week, and (I never thought I'd be saying this) hopefully I'll be here for several more weeks.

It seems that the complications I've been having have led to yet another: my water broke!

So now, they've been pumping me full of antibiotics to prevent infection, since that barrier is no longer there. At this stage, that's its main purpose, so BJ is continuing to develop, but has little protection against any nasty bugs.

So I'll be in the hospital for up to 5 more weeks. We're at 30 weeks today, and if all continues to go well, they may have to induce at 35 weeks, at which point the doctors say we're actually better off with BJ in the NICU for a bit. I don't really understand why, but we'll deal with that if and when we come to it.

Right now, I feel fine. I'm in no pain, and BJ is healthy and continuing to grow. I'm still stitching, watching TV, reading, and working through puzzle magazines. DH (thankfully) brought me the old laptop so I could let all of you know what's going on.

The camera is at home, so I won't be able to share progress pictures unless I figure out how to take them with my cell and email them to myself. Of course, I don't have anything else I have to be doing, so that might be a project over the next few days. I don't know if those pictures will be good enough to continue with the stitch studies, even if I have DH bring the stitch study sampler to the hospital. We'll see.

Thank you all again for your best wishes. I feel blessed that people I've never met are keeping tabs on us.

I'll keep you posted as best I can.


  1. Hang in there Jeanne and BJ and Grandma to be Kathy! Good vibes are on their way to you all!

    Edy from NYC--curently in Evansville, IN

  2. We are all pulling for you, Jeanne! Hope your friends and DH get organized and bring you the camera, any project you want to try, keep you amused and that you rest and BJ grows and grows and grows.

    Good luck and happy stitching!
    Jane, waving from CH, too far away to be of any use, alas

  3. Oh Jeanne. I am so glad you are in the hospital. That is indeed the best place for you right now. I'm sure BJ is loving all the extra attention. Keep stitching and I'll keep praying for you all. Many hugs

  4. We are praying for you at our home. Glad the doctors are taking good care of you. Don't worry about pictures! Stay healthy-both you and BJ!
    Beth in IL

  5. Wishing you and baby several quiet, healthy weeks ahead.

  6. Heartfelt good wishes for you, baby and DH coming your way! Have a good rest with lots of therapeutic stitching.

  7. Hang in there Jeanne! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your little one!

  8. Best of luck, sweetheart!
    I'll be saying prayers for you and the little one.
    -Lynn in southern NJ
    (CyberStitchers Chapter EGA)
