Thursday, March 26, 2009

One petal done...

I've found a bit of time to stitch over the past week, but it took me a while to learn that I need to take a picture of my stitching before actually sitting down to stitch, because I'm usually putting my needle down quickly to take care of a certain someone!

I took the opportunity yesterday to take a couple of pictures of my progress on Judy Souliotis's Floral Rondel. I've finished one entire petal of the center flower. The flower petals are stitched in Soie Ovale from Au Ver a Soie. Soie Ovale is a filament silk with a very slight twist, so it's essentially the same as flat silk. If you've ever stitched with flat silk,
you know it's pretty important that your hands be VERY smooth. The silk can and will snag on any little rough patch of skin. Trust me, I know. It's something I'm continuing to struggle with as my hands recover from winter and as I continuously wash my hands after every diaper change!

As a result, between snagged silk and minimal stitching time, this is going pretty slowly. The shine of the silk is SO worth it!

Erin update: It's hard to believe, but Erin will be two months old this weekend! I'll be heading back to work part time on April 6, after 4 months of not being there. In some ways, I'm looking forward to it, but it's certainly going to be a change of pace!


  1. Your work, as usual, is lovely.

    Good to hear from you now and again.

    The little ones DO grow quickly.

  2. Love the shine on your flower. Silk adds such a nice touch and is definitely worth the work.

  3. Nice to hear from you from time to time and get news from the little darling.

    Pierrette =^..^=

  4. Gorgeous! I love it!

    Hope going back to work, goes smoothly for you and Erin :-).

  5. Very nice! I love the shine of the silks!

  6. If you have a LUSH store in your area, treat yourself to a tub or three of Dream Cream. That'll sort out your rough skin problems. Just use it after each and every wash.=) If you can't get it locally, buy on-line!!!
