Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Catherine Theron class

Please forgive the shameless promotion!

My local EGA chapter is bringing Catherine Theron to town (Rochester, NY) this summer, and there are spaces still open in the class. Please leave a comment on this post with your email address (which I'll delete after replying to you) if you're interested in attending the class or would like more information.

*** UPDATE: "Ghost" students (those who can't be there but would like to do the project) are welcome. We already have a few signed up, but we still have class spaces available! ***

Here's the class information:

During the last region seminar, several of us had the very great pleasure of taking a class from Catherine Theron. We enjoyed the class so much that we’ve invited Catherine here to teach her “How Great the Blessing...” Sampler. Please join us Saturday, July 18 and Sunday, July 19 to explore the wide range of stitches in this lovely sampler!

Here’s how Catherine describes the sampler:

“This glorious sampler is 8¼” X 11¾” (on 36-ct cream linen) or 9¼” X 12¾” (on 32-ct cream linen) and has barely a spot NOT covered by stitching! Queen stitch flowers in vibrant shades of red form the border on this piece. Little (and not so little!) squirrels, birds, and a rabbit run riot on a landscape that includes a giant vase of flowers, rampling strawberry vines, and a sedate house perched over it all. A verse section, alphabet, and a row of pines with a bee skep finish off the sampler. Stitches used include Queen, Upright Cross, Petit Point, Smyrna Cross, Four-Sided, Oblong Cross, Stem Stitch, Chain Stitch, Long Arm Cross, Double Straight Cross, Slanted Satin Stitch, Satin Cushion, and a Leaf Pattern.

My model is worked using Au Ver a Soie Soie d’Alger (silk floss) in vibrant shades of red, green, gold, blue, cream, and brown. Each stitcher will be sent a “threads needed” supply list with silk, DMC and Anchor conversions. Each stitcher will also be sent fabric for pre-basting.

Kit cost includes fabric (either 36-count or 32-count cream linen), needles, practice fabric, instructions, photograph, and charts. Threads ARE NOT included in the kit fee and are up to the individual stitcher.

Extra magnification and/or lighting may be useful. Scroll bars or stretcher frame with thumb tacks or a small hoop is recommended.”
The fine print:
What: “How Great the Blessing...” Sampler class with Catherine Theron
When: Saturday & Sunday, July 18-19, 9AM – 4PM
Where: Gypsum Mills community center in Victor
Bring: Your threads, basted fabric (on a frame if desired), regular stitching tools, plus a dish to pass for lunch on Saturday
Cost: $100 for EGA members, $110 for non-members, which includes the kit (NOT threads), teaching fee, and Catherine’s travel and boarding costs

A deposit of $50 is due by June 1, with the remainder to be paid by July 1.


  1. I was looking through your archives this morning and came across the statement that 15 May is your birthday. So, Happy Birthday for yesterday.

    I really, really like the Scottlee pattern - you did a marvelous job on it. Any idea where I might get the pattern - Stitches from the Heart do not have it, I asked.

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