Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good news and bad news

The good news is that I finished the first lesson (bands 1 & 2) of Hannah Thornbush. I'll share pictures sometime this weekend.

The bad news is that when the orthopedist looked at Erin's X-ray today, he found that her left hip had somehow slipped and is dislocated again. We're going back to the hospital tomorrow morning so they can fix it and recast her. Which means more anesthesia. Hopefully the anesthesiologist can do something different so she doesn't end up spending the night again.

Ugh. My poor baby doll. :-(


  1. I hope everything goes well at the hospital {{{{Jeanne & Erin}}}}

  2. That sucks! Hope it goes easier this time for Erin. Lots of good thoughts and prayers.

  3. Oh hon, how frustrating. Hopefully, things go very quickly and Erin recovers quickly too.

  4. HUGS!

    As a visitor in more othropedic surgery waiting rooms than I care to remember, I'll tell you to make friends with the nurses who will keep you informed.

    more hugs, by the way

  5. Ohhhh, poor both of you. Best wishes!

    Looking forward to seeing pictures of the lessons!

  6. Oh, poor Erin. I hope all goes well.

  7. Dear Jeanne, I'm so sorry to hear about Erin's problems. I was born with a dislocated hip, and I was 18 months old before it was fixed; I was carried or carted around until then. My mom still laughs when she remembers the first time I had pants on, and the first time I was on the floor, it must have been quite a sight.

    It took a long time because my parents moved in the middle of the treatments, and it took a while for the new doctor to catch up on what had to be done. Fortunately I never needed surgery; my grandson has had several surgeries, and it is such a helpless feeling when little ones don't feel well. It's hard to know how to comfort them.

    Having said that, I know you will find the strength and get through. Please let us know how it goes.


  8. Poor Erin! But the "good" part of this is she more than likely will not remember Any of it.
    Hope all goes well for all of you!

  9. Fingers crossed for you! I hope all goes better this time!

  10. Hi Jeanne,

    Hopefully they will figure out what to do so that she can go home that night.

    I'll be thinking of you all and sending hugs and good thoughts your way!

    Windy Meadow

  11. Read you comment on Jane's Blog. Glad to see Erin came thru with flying colors.
