Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hannah Thornbush progress

Last week I mentioned that band 2 of Hannah Thornbush was complete.Both band 1 and band 2 had satin stitched areas. The instructions stated that the outlining around these areas should be completed before filling in the areas with satin stitching. This isn't the first repro or historic-style sampler I've seen with these instructions.

Is it just me? I find it incredibly difficult to get nice, even satin stitches if I outline first. I'm always fussing about how the satin stitching butts up to the outline. I don't want to cover or pierce the outline, but neither do I want to leave a gap between the satin stitches and the outline.

So I cheat, if you can call it that. I do the satin stitches first. Yes, you have to count very carefully to do this (especially if the design is over three threads like Hannah is), but it seems to make more sense to me. I can put my satin stitches right into the holes along the outline, without having to worry about piercing the outline threads.

Have any of you taken a really good, close-up look at old samplers? Can you tell how they were stitched? I'd be interested to learn about the order of the stitches. I expect the outlines were done first, simply to eliminate the detailed counting of the satin stitches.


  1. Hannah's beautiful -- such lovely colors!

    I confess that I am satin stitch challenged any way you do it. I always have trouble getting them to lay nicely, even with a laying tool ::sigh::

  2. Lovely progress. You are the most patient woman ever. You pick the most complicated designs and make it look easy.

  3. I just tried satin stitches for the first time! I had outlined first and have ripped out twice.

    I thought it was me! Thanks for the tip-next time I will do the satin stitches first. This time, I cross stitched instead.

  4. Lovely colors; I've been excited about seeing it progress. Yes, I always "cheat" too--so much easier and neater.

  5. Hannah looks so nice. I cheat and put the satin stitched in first - I've always found it too difficult to put those in if the backstitching is in.

  6. Is anyone calling the stitching police? I think your work is beautiful, and if you told us you did it all backwards, would we care? It's still lovely, and you are comfortable doing it!

  7. This is beautiful--I don't think it matters that you did it "your way"! It is our work and we can do just that! If this works for you, then go for it!

  8. I have had the worse time with my satin stitches laying straight on Hannah and still am not satisfied with them. I really think that is why I like counted work and not free hand stitching. I was having a really hard time not piercing my outline stitches, trying to have full coverage and getting my satin stitches to lay straight. I might test a flower the way you have stitched it and see if that helps. Thanks for sharing your tip.

  9. I am so loving watching the Floral Rondel, it's just beautiful. HT is lovely too. I feel the same as you do about putting in the satin stitches before the outline too. I just love seeing your work!

    Now, I have to tell you ... something happened to my spread sheet program and it dropped several blogs from the Totally Useless SAL Membership List...so I'm fixing that today...slowly. Unfortunately your's was one of the blogs that got dropped. But be sure I've got you back in now...hope to see an update post soon, you must have some beautiful threads in your container by now.

  10. Hi Jeanne,

    I stitch the satin stitches first and then outline. Much neater and easier to do. :-)

    Since there are no stitching authorities, do what works and what looks good to you. :-)

    I'm just amazed that you can stitch so much with a little one around! LOL!

    Windy Meadow
