Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Dance: Floral Rondel

Hooray! Here is my completed Floral Rondel, designed by Judy Souliotis. It's my first finish since Erin was born 5 months ago, but then I started it after she was born.

As you can see, when you have the correct color silk to finish stitching what you've started, it works up beautifully. Fortunately, the nerve flare-up that was making it difficult to work the couching stitches has subsided, so I was able to finish this Friday night.

I'm very pleased with how this came out. I took the class primarily to try out the Sha fabric and to stitch one of Judy's projects. I didn't know I'd like the finished piece as much as I do!

Now to figure out where to put it after it's framed. It's a bit small to hang by itself, so I'm going to have to find some companion pieces in my collection of prior works.

Erin update: Aside from a bit of expected soreness, Erin is recovering well from her surgery. We're all still getting used to the cast, but she seems comfortable enough in it.


  1. Beautiful! Hope you have fun picking out a new project to start, and I am especially glad Little Erin is doing well after surgery. Babies are very adaptable and heal very fast so I have confidence she'll be running rings around you before you know it.

  2. Hi Jeanne,

    Congratulations on finishing "Floral Rondel"! It's very elegant!

    Glad to hear that Erin is doing well. Make sure you take pictures so you can share them with her when she's a lot older. Our kids love hearing about what happened when they were little or before they could really remember. In other words, they love hearing family history about themselves. :-)

    Windy Meadow

  3. Beautiful finish...good to hear that your daughter is adjusting to the cast post-surgery.

  4. Floral Roundel is gorgeous. Your beautiful work always amazes me.
    Glad to hear that Erin is recovering well from her surgery.

  5. Congratulations Jeanne....this is beautifully executed, and I'm going to have to add it to my want to do list!

  6. The couching really brings the features out!

    So what did you end up thinking of the Sha fabric? I did a search in your blog and found it mentioned at the beginning, at

  7. I have to add my "beautiful" to the collection! This is a wonderful piece and I hope you find the perfect companions. I am also glad Erin is doing so well!

  8. beautifulwork,amazing. I hope Erin feel better and better.

    i change my url , the new one is:

  9. It's stunning Jeanne, congratulations

  10. Gorgeous! A mat could make the framing "more important".
    Glad to hear Erin is doing well. Hope Mom and Dad are too!

  11. Great to see your thread finally arrived - the finished piece is certainly worth the wait. It's gorgeous! :D
