Thursday, July 2, 2009

An update...

Let me start by saying thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers sent our way today. We are grateful for all of the support.

Erin is fine, but she and I are not home as we'd hoped. I'm writing this entry on a cool internet/movies/TV setup in the cheldren's area of the hospital. Unfortunately,the screen in our room is VERY blurry, so I apologize for any missed key strokes!

When we went into the surgical center this morning, we'd been hoping that the doctor would be able to manipulate Erin's hips into position without surgery. It was not to be. The doctor found that there was too much muscle, etc. in the way, and he needed to operate.

The procedure went smoothly from that point, until they tried to bring her out of anesthesia. That didn't go so well.. It's a long story, but it ended up with oxygen blowing on her face, her finally waking up fully SIX hours after sergury, and staying in the hospital overnight for observation..

Right now she's sleeping, and aside from an occasional whimper, seems to not be in pain.. I'm going to try to get some sleep myself...


  1. Prayers and good thoughts are with you at this stressful time. Kate

  2. Hi Jeanne,

    Hugs being sent your way!

    When our DS was 2, he underwent Adnoid (removal) and eye surgery.

    Usually they come awake easily. He refused to wake up. There is no other way to put it. He did not want to wake up and would not no matter what we did. They had the Dr. of An... visit him twice and his response was to just let him sleep it off.

    When he finally woke up he was mad and I mean MAD! So he refused to drink. He would not take a bottle, a cup, a popsicle, or anything that we or the nurses offered him.

    They finally had one of the doctors sign him out for the night so we could take him home with the understanding that if he didn't drink before he wanted to sleep for the night, we had to bring him back.

    So... home we went and he let us know that he was still annoyed. He wasn't crying, just thoroughly annoyed with everyone!

    Now let me know that he is one of the easiest going people I know and was a very cheerful easy baby so this was very out of character. :-)

    When we arrived home I put him on the couch and turned on one of his shows. He sat there slowly relaxing. I carefully, and without making a fuss, handed him a bottle. He absentmindedly took it and started drinking. Success!

    All of this is much harder on us than on him. Does he have any memory of the surgery? Nope! But he's enjoyed hearing us tell stories about his hospital adventure.

    By the way, he is now in his mid teens and is about 5' 7" and still growing! LOL!

    Windy Meadow

  3. Such an ordeal for all of you, you must have been very anxious. Hope you will soon be home.

    Best wishes, CA

  4. Oh hon I am so sorry that things did not go so smoothly. I know you were hoping it would. But your little darling is awake now and it is all uphill from here. Sending warm hugs and best wishes for a speedy recovery

  5. Jeanne, prayers are going up for you and Erin. Karen

  6. Lots of good thoughts and prayers for Erin and a speedy recovery and you and DH. I can't imagine how scary yesterday must have been for you both! I am so sorry she ended up with a surgery.

  7. oh, I hope wearing the cast works out ok, and she doesn't wake up in too much discomfort!!!!!!!

    Gentle hugs for the little one
