In my last post, I was debating what to stitch in the yet-undefined areas of my pastel hardanger piece. Thanks for the great comments!
Rachel agreed that I definitely couldn’t use any raised embroidery for a runner. Thanks for pointing out the issue with vases tipping over.
Pat suggested that I fill in the spaces with kloster blocks, and not do cutwork at all. A valid idea, and not one I had considered before!
Sylvia suggested small cross stitch roses for the tiny areas near the center. I’ll consider this, but these are really small areas. I’d need a design that covers no more than about 10 threads square. (Oh, and Sylvia, the overdye I’m using is Watercolours on 25 ct. It’s more like a pearl 5 rather than an 8 or 12. Though there are a few alternatives you might use. That’s another post!)
Yvette and Sylvia both liked the suggestion of opening up the end areas and filling them with needleweaving. I really think this would balance the open areas near the center, so I’ve charted a few possibilities.
First, my symbol key:
Option 1: This one worked really well for the diagonal portions, but I couldn’t find a filling stitch that flowed with these for the top of the section.
Option 2: This time I started with the top, then had issues with the diagonal areas.
Option 3: After moving the divided branches around, they seemed to flow into a dove’s eye at the top.
It’s probably pretty obvious that I’m leaning toward Option 3. What do you think?