Monday, June 28, 2010

Hardanger: Studying possibilities

In my last post, I was debating what to stitch in the yet-undefined areas of my pastel hardanger piece. Thanks for the great comments!

Rachel agreed that I definitely couldn’t use any raised embroidery for a runner. Thanks for pointing out the issue with vases tipping over.

Pat suggested that I fill in the spaces with kloster blocks, and not do cutwork at all. A valid idea, and not one I had considered before!

Sylvia suggested small cross stitch roses for the tiny areas near the center. I’ll consider this, but these are really small areas. I’d need a design that covers no more than about 10 threads square. (Oh, and Sylvia, the overdye I’m using is Watercolours on 25 ct. It’s more like a pearl 5 rather than an 8 or 12. Though there are a few alternatives you might use. That’s another post!)

Yvette and Sylvia both liked the suggestion of opening up the end areas and filling them with needleweaving. I really think this would balance the open areas near the center, so I’ve charted a few possibilities.

First, my symbol key:

Option 1:  This one worked really well for the diagonal portions, but I couldn’t find a filling stitch that flowed with these for the top of the section.

Option 2: This time I started with the top, then had issues with the diagonal areas.

Option 3: After moving the divided branches around, they seemed to flow into a dove’s eye at the top.


It’s probably pretty obvious that I’m leaning toward Option 3. What do you think?


  1. I like 3 - the lines against the blocks of the cut work

  2. No 1 didn't load for me, but of the two I could see, definitely No 3.

  3. Number three has a sort of flowing grace about it. I think that's the one to go for!

  4. Jeanne, Number 3 flows beautifully. I was looking through the JCS Ornament preview issue yesterday and I saw a stitch you might use for the the four areas adjacent to the center motif instead of cross stitched roses. It is called a spiral wheel rose wrap. It can be done nicely in an 8 X 8 thread square and gives the appearance of rose. The foundation of it is five straight stitches from the center out almost like a five pointed star. Then bringing the weaving thread up close to the center you weave around the five foundation threads pulling the thread snugly to the center on the first round of the rose. pull the thread gently on subsequent rounds so that it lies against the previous rounds. Work until the rose is full. I have not tried this stitch yet and I don't know how raised it will be but it might be worth trying some doodle fabric to see if it would work for your piece. Maybe using 2 strands of regular weight floss would give you the effect with out too much height. Have fun. Your piece is lovely.

  5. Love option 3!

    Happy Fourth!
