Friday, November 11, 2011

Looking Forward to a Day of Stitching!

I am SO looking forward to tomorrow. My daughter is going to spend the day at my mom’s, and I’m going to stitch!

A local group of stitchers books a conference room at a local hotel every few months just for a day of stitching. I was a fairly regular attendee at these mini-retreats prior to motherhood, but in the last three years, I’ve only managed to drop in on the ladies occasionally for a half-hour or so, baby (and then toddler) in tow (since they like to see her).

But tomorrow’s event is less than a mile away from Grandma’s house, so I can easily drop E off in the morning, go stitch, maybe pick her up to bring her to see the ladies for a bit, then take her back for a nap while I get to stitch some more!

How screwed up are my priorities that I’m cutting this post short tonight so I can get to bed early tonight, when I’ve been staying up late all week to write despite needing to go to work in the morning? Oh well. I’ll take lots of progress pictures tomorrow, I promise!


  1. Not screwed up at all! Stitching for a day, which you haven't done in so long, is absolutely more important than what you do almost every other day of the week. I hope it was fun!

  2. Sounds like an awesome way to spend the day...enjoy!
