Friday, November 18, 2011

A Quick Peek at Another Upcoming Project

Okay, folks, NaBloPoMo is starting to take its toll. I actually had a pretty good topic for tonight’s post, but if I actually wrote that post tonight, it would be far less than stellar due to the author (a.k.a. me) falling asleep every other line.

I’ll leave you tonight with a brief look at an ANG correspondence course I’ll be starting on the first of the new year. This is Hiogi, a project designed by Kay Stanis to teach silk and metal thread techniques on Congress cloth.


Another beauty to look forward to!


  1. Jeanne - you find things to stitch that I never knew existed! And then you do them so well! Bravo for you!

  2. This is one I want to do, too--so many pretty things and so little time! Are you doing it through your chapter or are you working independently?

  3. I hope you have a good night's sleep, and then get to write the post you intended to!

  4. Denise - I'm always looking for something that will challenge me, and so many of the designs out there do not offer that challenge. Yet somehow I've got a stash that would keep a small village busy for several years!

    Ann - I'm doing this through my second chapter, CyberPointers. We're actually the first group taking the class, according to Kay. All others have been individuals.

    Rachel - Thank you. I did!
