Saturday, March 31, 2007

Apologies and a Stitching Retreat

It appears I have learned my lesson - don't promise a blog post "tomorrow"! My apologies to anyone who tuned in yesterday expecting a post with a finished piece. Life caught up with me and I didn't get a chance to post.

In any case, yes, I finished Tiramisu, but I'm unhappy with the placement of the date and initials. So, today I'll be taking them out and replacing them.

Speaking of today, in about an hour, I'm off to a day of stitching! For the last several years, one of the local sit n' stitch groups has been having a "March Madness" evening, wherein we rent out a conference room at a local hotel, have a buffet dinner, and stitch late into the night. This year, we're changing things up - doing a buffet breakfast, and stitching until 5 or so.

I plan on taking Tiramisu to fix, and both the new Jim Wurth piece and the Gay Ann Rogers mystery to start. Heaven knows I won't make too much progress on either of these, but I've got to have choices, don't I? Why do I always do this - I've got 8 hours to stitch, yet somehow I think I can make significant progress on multiple projects! Am I alone in this, or is it something we all do?

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