Thursday, March 29, 2007

Stitching Blogger's Question of the Week

Since my stitching group meets tonight, I have limited time for a post. Isn't it fortunate that this week's SBQ (Stitching Blogger's Question) arrived in my mailbox?

This week's SBQ, suggested by Cindy, is:
Do you have a system for organizing freebie charts in your stash? If so, what is it? Do you print out copies of all of the freebies that you find on the web (that you think you might actually stitch) or do you maintain electronic copies of them until you are ready to stitch them?
I'm afraid my system isn't very fancy - almost all of my freebies go into one file folder, marked "Freebies" (of all things!). There are exceptions, though. There are a few designers that have their own folder in my file drawers, and freebies from those designers go into these.

As for the second question - I don't generally print out freebies to stitch. If I find one I might eventually stitch, I'll generally save it electronically. Although I think I can count on one hand the number of freebies I've actually stitched in my stitching career. I can't think of any off the top of my head, actually! I tend to like large projects, and that generally doesn't fit into the freebie category, except for an occasional mystery project from some of the French designers!

I'll be back tomorrow with either a completed Tiramisu (if I finish tonight) or another "A Stitch in Time" post. I'm off to dinner with the ladies...


  1. Hello, and welcome to the SBQ Club!! Your freebie system sounds a lot like mine...hehehe

    You are from Western NY? May I ask where? (I grew up in the Southern Tier, Cattaraugus/Chautauqua/Allegany counties!)

  2. Erin, Thanks for the welcome. I'm further north, in the Rochester area.
