Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Dance & Goldwork Update

Thank you Karen & Cheryl for the terrific suggestion to remove the first heart on the line of personalization! How simple! I did this, and then thought that the names looked like they were floating away from each other, so I tightened up the spacing between the names and the "+". It meant a bit more ripping and re-stitching, but it's now officially done! I'll take it in for framing this evening during the LNS's "open stitch" tonight, since I'll be there anyway.

Last night was also the monthly get-together for those of us taking the goldwork GCC's. I made a bit more progress on my background. I would like to get the background done before the end of the month. I have to finish the horizontal running stitches, but then have running stitches in both diagonal directions. (If you want to see the the intended pattern, check out this previous post.) That's one drawback to non-double-running blackwork - you don't see the pattern until you get it all in! I'm looking forward to seeing it develop.

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