Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Wedding Row Finished! ...with doubts

Well, I finished Wedding Row, but I'm not sure I like the placement of names and dates. It seems strange to have the heart at the left of the names directly below one of the hearts in the main saying. I'm debating if I should move the names and date a bit further to the right and scrunch it all a bit closer together.
I do like the color, though. DH was right on with that one!

So, what do you think? Should I rearrange the names and dates? Suggestions welcome - but I have to get it in for framing by Saturday to give the framer (my LNS owner) time enough to do the job.


  1. It looks lovely!

    My suggestion would be to just rip out the heart to the left of the first name and just leave it with one heart between the names and the date.

  2. Great finish! I was going to suggest the same as the previous commenter...see what it looks like without the heart before dan.
