Wednesday, July 2, 2008

June recap & July goals

June was a fairly good stitching month for me. My goals were:
  • Keep blogging, aiming for 3-4 posts per week. Same as last month! 11 posts / 30 days = average 2.5 / week.
  • Finish Cinders. No, but I made good progress once I put her into the rotation.
  • Finish Part I of Mystery in A Corner. Yes!
  • Work on WIPs. I made good progress on ScottLee and Examplar IV.
  • Maybe start one of the GCC's that will be due this fall. No. Stay tuned for next month!
Starting a rotation has been both satisfying (when I see progress on multiple pieces) and frustrating (when I want to keep working on one piece). I'm going to stick with it for a bit to see if I get used to it.

For July, here are my goals:
  • Keep blogging, aiming for 3-4 posts per week.
  • Stick to my rotation.
  • Finish Cinders.
  • Finish Part 2 of Mystery in a Corner.
  • Work on WIPs.
  • Start one of the GCC's (Victorian Bonnet) that will be due this fall.
  • Start Strawberry Girl by Gay Ann Rogers.
I'm looking forward to starting a few new things as I finish some pieces in the rotation!


  1. Hi Jeanne,

    You are making great progress with your rotation and I'm glad to see that Cinders is back. You are soooo close to finishing this project! :-)

    Having a rotation has its ups and downs as with anything else. So far I think the benefits for me of using a rotation have outweighed the minuses. I decided when I started/formalized my rotation system that I would do it for one year and then reevaluate.

    I think the biggest challenge for me is taking so long to finish something. I stitch for several months and then bam, several projects are finished but for those several months I need to look for the intermediate completion steps to keep motivated.

    I've also added several different small projects into my rotation which has also slowed down my progress on the larger pieces. I'm going to concentrate on the larger pieces over the next month or so. Or at least that's the plan right now! :-)

    I'll be posting a six month update on my blog soon as to how I have been doing with my rotation.

    Windy Meadow

  2. I keep hearing about people using the rotation method to work projects. I have a similar system. For some reason (probably my nit-picking personality) I can't work on more than one needlepoint project at a time. Of course, I am working on one needlepoint project, one latch-hook rug project and one paint-by-number project at the same time. I like to switch between projects, depending on my mood...and as you can see this means I HAVE stuck to my system of only one needlepoint project at a time...

  3. Oh, love Cinders, she looks great!

    I must do a year so far etc post as well, you've reminded me!!

    I think blogging 5 times a fortnight isn't half bad. After all, we have more in life than computers and stitching, so I think your post rate shows good balance. I do understand though, I'd like to have updates to show off every other as well, but life rarely allows, (how dare it!!??)
