Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Sampler from the WIP Pile

So you may be wondering just why I’ve suddenly actually started posting again. You’ll find the answer if you look at my posts in November 2007 and November 2009. Yes, I did it again. I signed up for National Blog Posting Month, a.k.a. NaBloPoMo, in which bloggers are challenged to write every day for the month. I’m hoping this will help me get back into the habit of posting more regularly, even after the month is out.

Over the past year, I have had a few prolonged absences from posting. For the most part, though, I did continue to stitch.

In the last few years, I’ve been in a bit of a counted canvas rut. I love it, but every so often I remind myself that I used to be much more balanced in my stitching practices, and I enjoyed other techniques, too. So I made myself pull out a sampler that hasn’t seen the light of day in a while.

The last time I posted about my progress on Hillside SamplingsBe You to Others sampler, which I refer to as the Ninja Squirrel Sampler (for reasons that will become obvious as I stitch a bit more), was back in February 2010, right after my carpal tunnel surgery. At that point, the sampler looked like this.

BeYouToOthers 27Feb2010

After quite a bit of time with this sampler over the past six months, I’m happy to say it’s much further along.

BeYouToOthers 3Nov2011

The personalization and verse areas aren’t filled in yet because, frankly, I’m not that thrilled with the verse on this design, and I haven’t yet figured out what I’m going to replace it with, nor what I want to do about personalization.

Does anybody have a favorite verse that might work well on this sampler? Maybe four lines or so? I’m open to suggestions!

Anyway, I’m back to working on canvas projects for a bit, but I hope to not let this piece sit unattended too long again.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, let me say that I'm happy to see you back posting.

    Second - here's what I did (a long time ago) when I encountered a sampler verse that did nothing for me - I used words from Simple Gifts --
    When true simplicity is gained to bow and to bend we shall not be ashamed to turn turn will be our delight till by turning, turning we come round right

    Maybe you've got some favorite song you think would fit?
