Friday, November 4, 2011

Two Down, One to Go

It’s amazing watching these lovely Magi come alive with just a needle and a bit of thread. Here is Magi #2 in all his glory.

Magi2 11Oct2011

My favorite part of this one is a technique that’s used in all three Magis. Strangely enough, it’s one of the least showy parts of this Magi’s garments: the underskirt (if that’s what it’s called).

The very front section of his robes, below his sleeve, is stitched simply with long stitches of #4 Kreinik braid, couched every four threads with a very thin matching metallic. The result is that it looks like the skirt is made of a sheer, glittery fabric, though that unfortunately does not come across in the photographs.


  1. I am SO GLAD to see you have NOT fallen off the face of the earth, altho you did have me a bit worried there for a while. Welcome back!

    The two Magi look glorious!

  2. What gorgeous Magi, So pleased to see you back again. I do so enjoy your blogs although I don't blog myself as I am afraid I would run out of time, things to show and ponder, so understand why you have not been there for a while BUT it is lovely to know you are back for a bit.

  3. Yay! I checked in today, and there you were... And I love the Magi project and the beautiful colors. All of the glitter adds so much to the Christmas season. Thanks for keeping us in awe of your progress!
