Sunday, January 27, 2008

One MAJOR happy dance!

Yesterday's mail brought me the extra threads to finish my Strawberry Purse, designed by Elizabeth Talledo of FingerWork. Thank you, Elizabeth, for a fun project and for the extra thread! This dye lot of green was slightly darker than the original kit thread, but who says all stems on a given strawberry plant are the same shade of green? I like it!

This little happy dance is much more of a celebration than just finishing this bag, though. It marks the end of the first round of my WIP-loss challenge!!!! Here are the 10 "official" finishes since I started the challenge last July:
  1. Luck of the Irish by Michele Roberts
  2. Fantasy Remembered by Luan Callery
  3. Redwork Mystery Sampler by Gay Ann Rogers
  4. Traditional Elegance I by Pat Taff / Golden Thread Designs
  5. Christmas Treat Bag by Shepherd's Bush
  6. Bead Blanket Sampler by Catherine Strickler / Indigo Rose
  7. Mimi's Tape Measure by Olde Colonial Designs
  8. Treasured Snowflakes & Trees by Mill Hill
  9. White-eared Hummingbird by Crossed Wing
  10. Strawberry Purse by Elizabeth Talledo / Finger Work
Many of these were smaller pieces than I had originally planned to finish, but they're still pieces off of the Work in Progress pile!

Right after I finished the purse yesterday, I wasted no time. I immediately mounted the fabric to begin my new start! It is To the Acorn, an EGA group correspondence course by Pat Krahn. I'll share some progress in the next day or so.


  1. Woo Hoo Jeanne, congratulations on completing your challenge. The bag is gorgeous

  2. Congratulations on everything you've accomplished, Jeanne!
    Jane, waving from Chilly Hollow
