The latest Jim Wurth ornament arrived on my doorstep this afternoon. I eagerly opened it to see what was next in the Dodecagon series, and immediately started singing (much to DH's dismay):
Camelot (da da dum dum dum)
Camelot (da da dum dum dum)
In short there's simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily ever-aftering
Than here in Ca-me-lot!
(with apologies to Lerner & Loewe)
Yes, the next ornament is named
Camelot. Appropriately enough for February, one of the main colors in this piece is pink.

Between my determination to keep up with this series and a need to set
To the Acorn aside for a bit after 3 straight weeks, I've started it already.* I'll try to frequently post my progress on this piece, so stay tuned.
* This is an exception to my WIP-loss challenge, remember?