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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's a girl!!!!!

I know, it's been too long! The short story is that my walking around early last week worked, and I went into labor Thursday morning. After I finally give in to an epidural around 8 PM, little Erin Christine found her way into the world at 11:03 PM. At 4 lbs, 2 oz and just under 17" long, she was a bit smaller than expected, and has spent the time since in the NICU, just moving to the newborn nursery today. She is a beautiful baby, and more details and pictures will follow.

Unfortunately, I was in a lot of pain over the weekend, and finally ended up on pain meds that left me feeling barely human. I stopped taking them Sunday night, and had weird withdrawal symptoms yesterday. When I still was constantly dizzy today while visiting the hospital, I ended up back in triage getting bloodwork done. Yes, I'm one of the few who manage to develop severe preeclampsia after delivery, with only a couple of the expected symptoms. They re-admitted me and immediately started an IV with the needed meds. I felt human again within an hour, but I'll be here at least 1 night. Hopefully Erin and I can go home together Thursday.

Thank you all for your concern and best wishes. I'll let you know when I'm home!


Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations! I know you were so looking forward to this child and there were so many bumps along the road. Here's hoping that you all have a wonderful life together.

Kathy A. said...


Welcome Erin to this big beautiful world.

Lindsay said...


Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Congratulations! Best wishes for your homecoming :)
Welcome little Erin Christine!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news -- congratulations!!

Anonymous said...


Edy said...

Good to actually "hear" from you. Your MIL told me on Friday, but I was a bit concerned that you had'nt said anything.
Conserve your strength...believe me you will need it. She may seem like a little bitty thing, but just you wait!

Katrina said...

Huge congratulations! Hope you are feeling much better and you and Erin get to go home together tomorrow :-).

Anonymous said...

Thank the Dear Lord. I was getting very concerned, but it looks like for no cause. I look forward to your getting back into your stitching, and seeing the pictures.

Erica said...

That is wonderful!
Well maybe you will be able to relax a bit now (LOL) Well about some things anyway!

Mary Corbet said...

Wow! Congratulations on your new little girl. I love her name! Can't wait to see pictures!

Do take good care of yourself, and I hope you're feeling back to normal soon, Jeanne!

Anna van Schurman said...

Hope you're both home and feeling human very soon. Enjoy!

Love to Stitch 99 said...

I am so very happy for you.

I must admit that I was a bit worried after many days went by and no blog entry either from you nor your husband, so it is very nice to hear that all will be well with both of you :-)

Pierrette =^..^=

barbi said...

How wonderful!!!A little girl to teach needlepoint to!! My daughter Megan and I send you and Erin congrats and much joy in the years to come. We hope you're feeling better soon!!

Ginny B said...

Wonderful!!! How soon do you reckon it'll be before you can get a needle in her hands??!!!

jdnrob said...

Congratulation to you and your husband!!! Welcome to our world Erin! Glad to hear you are both ok, looking forward to the pictures!
Joanie R.
Corning EGA

Stef said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I kept coming back every day to hear the news and was getting a little worried. I'm so glad that everything is ok and you can take little Erin home soon. Can't wait to see pictures of your new little bundle of joy!!!!

MeganH said...


Lovely name!

Karol said...

Congratulations on your baby girl.

Karoline said...

Congratulations and welcome to the world Erin :)

3anklebiters said...


Gwen said...

Congradulations on your new daughter.Sorry to hear you had to be re-admitted. Sounds like everything is going well now. Hope to see pictures soon.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

Anonymous said...

Congrads Jeanne, Your were looking forward to her so much, and had several frustrations along the way. But she will be so worth all the problems. I hope it is smooth sailing from her on and you have a wonderful life together. Now the work really begins.

Peg L in Arl. Hts, IL.

Beth in IL said...

Congratulations! Don't worry about posting. Just take care of yourself and your little bundle of joy!