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Thursday, July 19, 2007

The WIP-loss Challenge!

In the spirit of the 50 (or 25, or 10) project challenge from HasturTorres, I'm challenging myself to "lose" some WIPs. Now, this does not mean I'll hide them somewhere and not be able to find them. Just like losing weight the old-fashioned way, this takes willpower, dedication, and a good buddy system! I'm hoping this blog will work as the buddy system. Hopefully the readers of this blog will keep me honest in pursuing my goal!

If you're a person who only stitches (or knits, or crochets, or quilts, etc.) one item at a time or keeps her (or his) pile of WIPs (Works In Progress) down to a manageable few, congratulations! This challenge is NOT for you! I aspire to be more like you!

If, however, you feel weighted down by your ever-increasing pile of WIPs, as I do, this challenge is for YOU! Please feel free to adapt my challenge to your goals.

So, what's the challenge? Simple: Finish 10, start 1! At least, that's my current challenge. I probably have a backlog of 30 (or more) started projects (WIPs & UFOs). Most of these are LARGE projects. After I finish these, I may start the challenge again with the goal of finishing 5 before starting another.

Here are the "rules" I'm setting for myself:

  1. Have fun!
  2. The "to be finished" list can be changed over the course of the challenge, depending on which projects are calling to me over time.
  3. The term finished means the completion of stitching. It does not mean the completed item must be framed or otherwise made into a useful item. (If that was the case, I would have close to 100 WIPs, based on the number of items sitting unframed in my closet and cedar chest.) If your textile medium of choice is not stitching, you'll have to decide what finished means to you.
  4. While selling, giving away, or trashing unwanted UFOs may reduce the total pile, they don't count toward the total finished. (In the parallel to weight loss, this is like liposuction - effective, but less satisfying!)
  5. Exceptions are allowed, if declared up-front. My exception is keeping up with the Jim Wurth series. These pieces don't count for starting or finishing.
  6. Gift stitching for a special occasion doesn't count. I can foresee one of these - making a Christmas ornament for my cousin's new baby. (I did stitch one for his first child, after all. This is only fair!)
That's all I can think of for now. If you can make any other suggestions or want to join me in buddy system support, please leave a comment! I'll come up with my initial "to be finished" list in the next week or two.


Anonymous said...

Good luck! I can't play along right now as I am working on the last three months of Project Spectrum and it will require at least one new start in August (not to mention the pattern I have kitted up, but not started for June/July). Plus there is the Christmas Ornanent SAL which always seems to take longer than a tiny weekend.

Still, having dozens of WiPs (some would call them UFOs, but I still hold out hope for all of them), I applaud you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Pineapple Fish is needlepoint. I started doing needlepoint long before I ever heard of cross stitch and I still have a lot of needlepoint projects in my stash. I bought the canvas from Needlepoint of Back Bay, Newbury Street, Boston. I think it is their own design.

Not many fancy stitches in this one because most of the thread is variegated silk. I spent a lot of time on the ocean making sure that the stitches were random and not stripy. Maybe I'll do a small pattern in the navy framing, but that is a ways away. I'll probably french knot the clouds when I get to them last.

Project Spectrum calls for orange, brown, and purple in August/September. I have a needlepoint stitch sampler pumpkin in orange that I will work on then. Since I have exactly one square (of about 70) done so far, you should see a lot of different stitches then.

Jeanne said...

Thanks for the info, Kathryn! And you can join me in the challenge at any time - just think about what exemptions you'd like!

Joanie said...

Well, Wip-loss is my stitching resolution for 2008. So, I'll be joining you! I have about 30 Wips in various stages of stitching. I'll need the support and the gentle (ahem) reminder to stick (stitch) to the Wips!