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Monday, July 21, 2008

Rotation trial: Over already!

I really, really appreciate some stitchers' dedication to their rotations. It does take dedication to put down a piece you're enjoying and pick up something else. If a rotation works for you, that's wonderful!

I've tried a rotation for a couple of weeks now, and I've decided it's not for me. I need to be in a certain "mood" to work a given technique, and I can't schedule that. If I'm enjoying a certain piece and making good progress on it, I don't want to put it away until its next "turn" in the rotation. I'd rather ride the momentum on the project until I need a break on it or until my mood changes to work a different technique.

Aaahh! I feel better.

For the last few days, I've been "cheating" on my rotation (or, to be more honest, I gave it up a few days ago but just didn't "officially" end it by posting here). I've been having fun with the Bargello motif on Catherine Theron's Examplar IV. I also worked the first color of the spiral trellis stitch on a couple of the flowers.
I'm going to continue working on this piece until either ScottLee or Cinders starts calling my name! I'll keep these three as my "focus pieces", and still plan to start something new in each of my three categories (linen, canvas, and uncounted) when the current piece in that category is finished. That little incentive will hopefully keep reminding me to work, at least occasionally, on each of these.


Anonymous said...

Ha, Ha, Ha. I have blamed my lack of rotation on my travel schedule, on my need to finish certain items before others, but let's face it. Like you, I really can't rotate and be happy. I can't rotate by days of the week and I REFUSE to count the hours I work on individual items. I'm glad rotation works for some, but it doesn't work for me, either.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Some people love the rotation system; some hate it. Face it, you learned you hate this.

You're in good company. I loathe rotating projects, too.

Jane, who stitches til I'm bored or it is done in CH

Cyn said...

Hi Jeanne,

Whatever works is what you should do as this is supposed to be fun! :-)

That's why my rotation system doesn't have a time limit as that does not work for me. Mine is a very loose rotation as it depends on tired factor, amount of time, etc. Especially since I don't count the time I spend working on a piece as I would have to decide do I subtract the time after I've sat down to stitch for family interruptions/conferences/talks. :-)

I work on a piece until it's time to move to the next one. Especially since I might just be getting into a piece and I don't want to have to put it down after 90 minutes. :-(

Love how the Bargello section turned out but that's because I love Bargello/Florentine work! :-)

I'm enjoying seeing your progress on this piece and I'm looking forward to seeing ScottLee or Cinders again!

Windy Meadow

MeganH said...

Hello :-)

I've just linked to your blog.
Thanks again for the spiral trellis stitch tutorial, and I enjoyed your stuff on stumpwork too!



Ruth M. said...

EVIL EVIL EVIL!! I hve spent so much timeon you blog drooling over you rpeiced, my own are sitting huddled in the corner, weeping with neglect.

Seriously though, Cinders, Exemplar and ScottLee are beautiful and make me wanna play with them too.



Elizabeth Braun said...

I doubt it would work for me and I'd hate to have that many WIPs on the go at any one time. I'd feel I wasn't really working steadily and certain days would mean that I had no stitching time and the piece would be permanently neglected!!!

Carolyn McNeil said...

I rotate between one needlepoint project, one latch hook rug project and one paint by number project. I work the rug while watching TV, the paint by number while listening to my tunes and the needlepoint is sooooo detailed and complicated that I work it in complete silence, with no distractions...My own version of a rotation system...
An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…

Teresa S. said...

I am loving the way the exemplar sampler is turning out! Do you have any idea where I could purchase this? I have been looking for it for months! Thanks in advance!