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Sunday, March 7, 2010

The return of in-hand work!

Hooray! I can now think about finishing some of the hardanger projects or the beading project in my WIP pile.

Look what I managed to finish in only about 3-4 hours:

This is the primary Morning Glories temari from an online class with Barb Suess. There are two more from the class, and I hope to get to them soon.

I started this over the summer, but couldn't manage to work on it for any length of time. Now I can say that I've actually stitched a temari! It's not perfect, but I'm not totally embarrassed about it either.

I can honestly say that I have no regrets about going in for the carpal tunnel surgery -- except that I put it off for WAY too long. Aside from a bit of lingering tenderness at the incision site and the need to avoid heavy lifting or pulling, I'm almost completely back to using my right hand normally - including taking care of a certain little person.


Anonymous said...

I love that Temari! Maybe it is the colors or the lovely gold threads or the central wrapping, but it is one of the best I have seen.

Congratulations on a successful surgery. I hope you are completely healed in no time at all.

MeganH said...

Tell you a sekret ......

I think we ALL put those sorts of things off for too long!!!

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Excellent news that you are recovering from the carpal tunnel surgery. Like all moms, you put yourself last. Learn form this and carve out a little time for yourself, ok?

Edy said...

I'll bet that little someone is glad that Mommy's hand is better too.
Your temari is beautiful.

Juels said...

Your Temari is lovely!

MeganH said...

oh, that's wonderful!
I've been worrying.