Examplar IV sees the light of day
As much as I love canvas work, working on the Quaker biscornu reminded me I also love working on linen. Because of this, Examplar IV found it's way back onto my lap stand. Before I put it down last, I had finished the strawberry border and started the butterfly. Yesterday, I was able to finish the butterfly.I made one major change from Catherine Theron's original. I flipped the butterfly right-side up. Catherine explained that her original had the butterfly upside-down because historically the thought was that the butterfly in my orientation would look like it was flying out of the frame. All animals, bugs, etc. on such a sampler would be positioned so they were flying in to the sampler so that the viewer's eye would stay within the frame. I thought that as a sampler designed today it really didn't matter, and that the upside-down butterfly looked like it belonged in some entomologist's specimen collection. I wanted my butterfly to represent one that was alive, thank you.
I've now proceeded to the knots below the butterfly. I've stitched a bit more since I took the picture, and I might be able to finish the knots today during our EGA picnic, if it's not way too hot to stitch!
What a beautiful sampler. I love the colors. I understand the right side up butterfly - much better idea
Very nice! I'm with you on the butterfly orientation. Looks like a fun sampler!
Hi Jeanne,
This is a beatiful sampler and I like that you switched the orientation of the butterfly. Looks much better flying right side up even though when you see them in the wild they look like they are flying all over the place!
I also enjoyed seeing the pictures of the biscornu's. I've been intrigued with these designs for quite some time now and I hope to stitch up at least one this summer (she says while crossing her fingers)! :-)
How are you doing with "Mystery in a Corner"?
Windy Meadow
It's a gorgeous sampler, great progress
Hi Jeanne,
Ummm... I was being "funny" about "Mystery in a Corner"! :-)
I have also ordered the chart from Gay Ann and I do know that she hasn't mailed the next section.
I probably should have added that you are way ahead of me on the project. I haven't picked out my canvas or colors yet.
I love the colors that you are using. Would you be willing to share them?
Windy Meadow
Your sampler is lovely. I would do them upright too. ;)
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