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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Happy Dance: Traditional Elegance

It's amazing what you can accomplish while listening to an evening conference call with colleagues in Japan! I was home, listening on the phone speaker, unmuting the microphone only when I needed to discuss something, and happily stitching away! That's the way to work! I found I actually could concentrate more on what was going on (rather than falling asleep or being distracted by email, etc.) while I was stitching than I usually do at work!

To top it off, I finished Traditional Elegance (by Pat Taff) just as the conference call ended! Since the sides of this were laced to the scroll rods, it had been a while since I looked at the bottom row. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I had put a "2007" date on it already! I'm glad I didn't have to change it!

The bottom rows are pretty squished from being rolled up on the scroll rods for so long. I'll have to at least dampen this and press it from the back to get the stitches back in shape before I take it in for framing.

Also on the UFO front, this week I picked up a small piece from Catherine Strickler/Indigo Rose. I started the Bead Blanket Sampler a bit over a year ago. For a time it was in my desk drawer at work, and I'd pick it up occasionally during lunchtime. When I switched jobs last year, it found its way home, and I hadn't touched it since.

Monday I finished off the front side and started work on the back - and quickly ran into a problem. There's not enough of one color of thread. I'm not a terribly frugal stitcher, but I try to be cautious when stitching from kits. Nevertheless, I ran out. I need to find enough Waterlilies 'Moss' in a similar dyelot (or another silk brand that looks very similar!) to finish the border on the back. I hate to buy an entire skein for something that would work for <100 stitches. Stay tuned!

WIP-loss challenge status: 4 down, 6 to go


Anita said...

Wow, your stitching piece is so intricate.. It is such a special piece.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on another finish for your challenge. You are an inspiration to all us with...very, very slow WiPs.

Karen said...

Gorgeous, Jeanne. Very nice work.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sampler! You did a great job on it, it's wonderful.

Re: IR Bead Blanket Sampler - I stitched this a while back and I still have loads of the Moss (I think it's Waterlilies) silk left, so if you want some, just drop me an email at stashaholic @ btinternet.com (remove spaces first) with your address and I'll pop it in the post to you.

Rissa said...

Congratulations on the finish! I am very impressed, it is just beautiful...what an efficient use of your time! I am so pleased that you did not have to change the date. :-)