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Sunday, February 10, 2008

What a difference!

Thank you to all who made recommendations on how to fix the color scheme of To the Acorn. I considered each one carefully.

In the end, my decision was made at the LNS when I looked for silks in the cranberry and olive-green colors. The shop had a perfect match for the olive-green in the variegated thread, but nothing that matched the cranberry. As a result, Thursday evening was spent ripping out the blue and starting to replace it with the green. I found, as I did this, that Jocelyn was right. (Sorry, Kathryn and Doris!) The pink now really does work. The piece is now fulfilling my original intent of having an autumn feel. (Acorns show up in autumn. Why shouldn't a piece with acorns in it remind the viewer of autumn?) It was the combination of the two pastel colors that caused the problem.

Now that I've settled on the color scheme, I should be able to make really good progress on this.


Dani - tkdchick said...

What a pretty piece it looks great!

Elizabeth Braun said...

Yup, that goes much better! Good choice, well done!=)

Anonymous said...

No need to apologize. Suggestions are just suggestions. The screen never reproduces the colors exactly, so you did the right thing by taking the piece to the LNS and picking out the new colors there. I have a pretty good color memory, but nothing beats seeing colors side by side.

Love to Stitch 99 said...

Wow, the change of colors really makes such a big difference. I absolutely love these colors and they are perfect with each others.

Can't wait to see your whole piece completed. I know it is going to be gorgeous :-)

Pierrette =^..^=

Joanie said...

That is a beautiful sampler and you are right, the colors do look much better now that you've made the subsitution. Great work!